Can You Freeze Pillsbury Crescent Rolls?

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls are a staple in many households. With their flaky and buttery texture, they make the perfect addition to any meal. Whether it’s a family dinner, holiday gathering, or a quick breakfast, these rolls are a versatile and delicious option.

However, what happens when you have leftovers, or you want to make them ahead of time for a future meal?

So, can you freeze Pillsbury Crescent Rolls? The answer is yes, you can. In this article, we will go over the steps to freeze Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, the best methods for thawing and reheating, as well as the pros and cons of freezing.

What are Pillsbury Crescent Rolls?

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls are a type of refrigerated dough that come pre-rolled and ready to bake. They are made with a blend of enriched flour, water, palm oil, sugar, and yeast, among other ingredients. Each serving of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls contains about 130 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 2 grams of protein.

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Some popular uses include as a base for appetizers, such as pigs in a blanket or cheese bites, as well as in main dishes, like chicken crescent bake or crescent breakfast casserole.

How to Freeze Pillsbury Crescent Rolls?

Freezing Pillsbury Crescent Rolls is a convenient option for those who want to enjoy fresh and flaky rolls anytime. Here are the steps to freeze Pillsbury Crescent Rolls:

Preparation Before Freezing:

  • Allow the Pillsbury Crescent Rolls to cool completely after baking.
  • If you have any leftovers, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn.

Packaging for Freezing:

  • Place the wrapped rolls in a freezer-safe airtight container or heavy-duty freezer bag.
  • Label the container or bag with the date and type of rolls, so you can easily identify them later.

Recommended Storage Time:

  • Pillsbury Crescent Rolls can be frozen for up to three months.
  • Beyond that, the quality of the rolls may start to deteriorate, affecting the texture and flavor.

Thawing Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

Once you’re ready to enjoy your frozen Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, it’s important to thaw them correctly. Here are the best methods for thawing:

  • Room Temperature Method: The easiest and quickest way to thaw Pillsbury Crescent Rolls is to simply remove them from the freezer and let them sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
  • Refrigerator Method: If you prefer to thaw your rolls in the refrigerator, place them in a covered dish and let them thaw overnight. This method is slower, but it helps to maintain the quality of the rolls.

How to Tell if the Rolls are Fully Thawed:

  • Check the texture of the rolls. If they are still stiff and hard, they need more time to thaw.
  • Press the center of the roll gently with your finger. If it gives a little, it’s fully thawed.

Reheating Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

Once the Pillsbury Crescent Rolls are thawed, you can reheat them to enjoy their fresh-baked taste. Here are three methods for reheating:

  • Oven Method: Preheat the oven to 375°F. Place the rolls on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes, or until they are warm and crispy.
  • Microwave Method: Place the rolls on a microwave-safe plate and heat them on high for 15-30 seconds. This method is quick, but it may result in a softer texture.
  • Stovetop Method: Heat a skillet over medium heat and place the rolls in the skillet. Cover the skillet and cook the rolls for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until they are warm and crispy.

Pros and Cons of Freezing Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

Freezing Pillsbury Crescent Rolls has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider both before deciding if this is the right choice for you.


  • Convenience: Freezing Pillsbury Crescent Rolls allows you to have fresh and flaky rolls on hand whenever you need them.
  • Long Shelf Life: Pillsbury Crescent Rolls can be frozen for up to three months, giving you plenty of time to enjoy them.
  • Cost-Effective: Buying Pillsbury Crescent Rolls in bulk and freezing the excess is a cost-effective way to save money on your grocery budget.


  • Quality Deterioration: Over time, the quality of the rolls may start to deteriorate, affecting the texture and flavor.
  • Requires Planning: Freezing Pillsbury Crescent Rolls requires planning ahead and making sure you have the necessary storage containers and space in your freezer.

Tips for Ensuring the Best Quality After Freezing:

  • Wrap the rolls tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn.
  • Label the container or bag with the date and type of rolls, so you can easily identify them later.
  • Thaw the rolls correctly using the room temperature or refrigerator method.


In conclusion, freezing Pillsbury Crescent Rolls is a convenient option for those who want to enjoy fresh and flaky rolls anytime. By following the steps for freezing, thawing, and reheating, you can ensure the best quality of your rolls even after they have been frozen.

While there are pros and cons to consider, the convenience and long shelf life of frozen Pillsbury Crescent Rolls make them a great choice for busy families and those who want to save time and money. So, go ahead and stock up on these rolls, and enjoy them whenever you please!

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